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Aubery climbs the peak - Exhibition in Wuhan (China)

Amalart...welcome to Wuhan!

Full of dynamism and vitality, today's Wuhan is witnessing a rapid economic and social development, dazzling changes in urban construction and improving livelihood of the people and also on the way to become an incredibly prosperous, vigorous and promising city.

One Space Art Gallery is located in the "Creative Art Space", one of thee largest artist communities in Central China.

In the last years, the Gallery is committed to promoting the development of contemporary art and the communication between young artists in the fields of visual arts, design, multimedia, music and other creative genres.

One Space Art Gallery invited Amalart to organize the new Chinese exhibition

From Montecarlo with love - Solo Exibiton of Michel Aubery

Special guest: Giuliano Grittini

May 10th - June 10th 2017


Born in Monaco and of Monaco citizenship, Michel AUBERY starts drawing at the age of 9. His first drawings made with pencil or Chinese ink represent surrealistic animals.

In his art studio at the port of Monaco his neighbor is the Colombian painter BOTERO.

Below the works of the exhibitions


Giuliano Grittini was born and lives in Milan where he attended the School of Graphic Design and the studios of some important artists; working and creating artistic books, exploring the art of printing.

He has worked with artists such as: Baj, Fiume, Sassu, Guttuso, Scanavino, Tadini, Warhol, Vasarely, Rotella, and, being passionate about photography, photographed them in various phases of their work.

Curator of the art event is Prof. Zhou Feng

Professor and dean of the School of Arts and Design

Member of the design committee of China Packaging Federation

Member of the Hubei Youth Association

Member of Hubei Packaging Technology Association

Executive member of Hubei Science and Fine Arts Association

Art Magazine Editor in Chief.

Below the photos of the Gallery

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